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My most recent mood:
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2003-01-26 8:00 p.m. - week from hell
What a week.

Let's just give a blow-by-blow.

Last Sunday:
I was sick with what seemed to be strep throat, though since I have no tonsils, who can tell? Anyway, my throat hurt so bad it was making me cry, and Chloraseptic wasn't helping. We went to Promptcare, where I managed to score a sample of Zithromax. He also prescribed some Maalox mixed w/ Lidocaine, so as to help my throat, plus some sinus medication. It helped. I was thankfully able to sleep.

Had the day off. See previous entry.

Dr. Katz steered me *way* wrong on the replacement for Lexapro, in the form of a nightmare called Abilify. It abilified me to lose my mind. It had the same effect as I imagine poorly-made street crank would. I.e., I became a total tweaker. I managed to get through my day, though I ended up bowing out of the G250 meeting. I couldn't sit still. I kept squirming and squirming. It was horrible. I had no control over my body, breath, heartbeat, anything.

God. I was still a tweaker. This was the last day I took the damn medicine. My suspicions of its side effects (as opposed to any potential ones of the sinus meds from Promptcare) were confirmed when I looked online, only to see an exact description of my nauseous, squirmy hell on the list of Abilify's side effects. I called Katz, who told me to try half a pill. No thanks. I taught. It sucked. I was dizzy. I ended up missing class and went to Lee's to try to work off some of the speediness. All I did was almost make myself vomit.

Was dominated by trying to get French done and the beginning of a conflict w/ Kris, who sent an e-mail that I missed apparently asking me to coffee. Kris and Joe also apparently saw me at Lee's after the lecture when she was giving Joe a ride home. This apparently made her question my integrity and get all mad at me and and... I don't feel like going into it. It's still kind of under my skin.

Finally feeling a little better. Class went well. I bought a gift to send along w/ Monika's other gifts from Seattle. Women's spirituality group was good too. I had a kick ass workout at Lee's, and I think it worked a lot of the crap out of my system. I felt a lot better afterwards. M and I even got busy. Woo-hoo!

Feeling even more normal. AA meeting. Tea. Errands. More tea. Yarn store with Henry. The Four Winds to see Cooper on the job with Faye and Co. Siam House for dinner to help Kate celebrate her birthday, then Uncle E's for pool and camraderie, then Bull's. Bull's sucked.

Today I have worked on cleaning up my office and organizing (finally!) my CD's and DVD's. The thing with Kris is ongoing. I don't know what to do about it. She won't listen to my explanation about the fucking Abilify. It abilified me to fuck up my whole life in one fell swoop. Imagine the lives of people who do real speed. It must be a mess. Glad I was never into anything like that.

What a week. Conclusion: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm sticking w/ my normal medicine w/out any alleged enhancements by Dr. Katz. Enough rest, good food, and exercise, along w/ the meds, should keep me in working order, and thank God, w/out the damn side effects. I really can't believe this week. Really.

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