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2003-01-28 10:33 p.m. - I hate G.W. Bush
"Freedom is not a gift America gives the world; it is a gift God gives humanity."
-G.W. Bush, in today's State of the Union address

Okay, let's take this apart for the screaming propaganda it is.

For starters, no, actually, freedom is *not* a gift America gives the world. America gives the world crap for the most part, cheap plastic crap as well as the more abstract variety of crap. Not to mention the people Enslaves enslaves both here and abroad to make the and/or sell said cheap plastic crap...

What George wants us to think: If God gives the world freedom, and America stands for freedom and fights for freedom, America is doing God's work.
Doesn't anybody notice that this same bullshit is what The Evil Saddam says to his people to get them to go out and kill too? I ask you: Who's the terrorist?

What he also wants us to think: freedom is universal, America stands for freedom, therefore America stands for everyone in the world. He is universalizing the American ideal of freedom, which in his terms, as far as I can tell, means freedom to buy and sell as much and as often as one pleases, no matter whose toes that steps on in whatever country, be it the U.S. or abroad. Tax breaks on dividends for corporate investments while 60% of Americans have no health care coverage? Yes, that really helps the cause of freedom.

George Bush is a fucking lying bastard who's trying to make a case for a war no one wants... oh yeh, except his oil buddies, and they're all that matter after all.

My favorite bumper sticker this year: "Saddam: Weapon of Mass Distraction"

This shit really depresses me. I generally try to stay clueless enough to enjoy my life somewhat, since I have no influence over the world in general, but every once in a while I hear something that really gets under my skin.

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