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Here's the old stuff! that I have a life
...after I got back from Berlin
...while I was there
...before I left for Berlin

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My most recent mood:
The current mood of EGBridges recorded at

2003-02-04 5:56 p.m. - still around
I'm still around, but due to the fact that I am currently, possibly for the first time in years, "on top of things," ye olde diary doesn't get updated as often as possible.

Lately, I have:
-gotten all my reading done
-tended to my spiritual life (i.e. began meditating regularly again for the first time in about 1 1/2 yrs)
-gotten w/ my sponsor and started going to AA meetings again
-tried to be a good dog mommy
-been a pretty good girlfriend
-lost the 10lbs I gained at Xmas time
-felt okay about my academics
-been fairly organized
-been better about keeping in touch w/ important people
-exercised regularly
-managed not to freak out too much
-not been obsessing as much in general

I'm not sure to what I should attribute all this. I have my theories, most of which involve either copious amounts of green tea, Taekwondo, or AA meetings. Yes, I am nevertheless overworked, but for the most part happy w/ how things are going. Yeh!

Meghan said this morning that she will probably sign the lease with me when I renew my apartment for next year. This means:
a) she plans on staying in Bloomington
b) she plans on staying with me and living with me
c) our relationship is as much a priority to her as it is to me.

Finally, someone who appreciates what I have to give.

And I'd like to add the following:
I love tea.

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