...after I got back from Berlin
...while I was there
...before I left for Berlin

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n diary at DiaryLand.com! contact me older entries newest entry

2004-04-21 - I've defected
2004-04-10 - my saturday, kinda
2004-04-10 - my saturday, kinda
2004-03-23 - okay
2004-03-19 - Friday, spring 'break'
2004-02-20 - e-gad
2004-02-16 - My brain is rotting
2004-02-10 - DSL is a joke!
2004-02-08 - missed a spot
2004-02-08 - countries visited
2004-02-08 - visited states
2004-02-08 - Where's the "ffwd" button?
2004-02-05 - What I did over break... Part I
2004-02-05 - Now it's a blog.
2004-02-05 - She's back.
2003-11-03 - limbo = more stress
2003-11-01 - votes of confidence
2003-10-31 - instant professor, just add suit
2003-10-21 - black belt test, for real
2003-10-21 - prospects generally good
2003-10-08 - looking better
2003-10-07 - reality sets in
2003-10-06 - scary stuff
2003-10-05 - ok at the moment
2003-09-27 - It is a dull Saturday
2003-09-17 - tasty and nutritious
2003-09-16 - a bit o' catty-ness
2003-09-16 - onward
2003-08-30 - impending semester
2003-08-28 - where is she???
2003-08-26 - melodrama
2003-08-26 - trans-rant
2003-08-01 - bargain-hunting, dumpster-diving
& coupon-clipping

2003-07-26 - Jay
2003-07-26 - workaholic

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yLand diaries! recommend my diary to a friend! >

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