...after I got back from Berlin
...while I was there
...before I left for Berlin

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2001-08-03 - distracted
2001-08-02 - bleh
2001-07-31 - golden shining moments (GSM's)
2001-07-30 - nothin' special
2001-07-26 - I have only eaten Twizzlers today. They are vegan, btw.
2001-07-26 - i'll never do it again
2001-07-23 - weirdness
2001-07-23 - sultry
2001-07-19 - happenings, good happenings, weird happening
2001-07-17 - semi-awake
2001-07-16 - waiting for the sun
2001-07-16 - insane ramblings about nothing
2001-07-16 - questions of faith and doubt
2001-07-16 - ring-a-ding
2001-07-13 - First Entry

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yLand diaries! recommend my diary to a friend! >

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