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Here's the old stuff! that I have a life
...after I got back from Berlin
...while I was there
...before I left for Berlin

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My most recent mood:
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2002-08-30 11:29 a.m. - my dog is weird
Henry the Dog has been a real freak lately. I guess I forgot how well one has to dogproof things b/c I keep leaving stuff around that are way too enticing for him to resist, and he makes a mess... Well, it's not that I leave these enticing things around necessarily. I don't think the trash really qualifies as 'around,' but I guess it's all the same to him. So I have come home to a trash-strewn kitchen 2x now. Not fun, but what am I supposed to do? It's not like he was being spiteful. He just smelled an empty bag of microwave popcorn, clearly left for him, so he went for it.

The relationship my dog has to microwave popcorn is most weird. I had left out a 15-pack unopened box of microwave popcorn, distracted before I had time to put it away, and so it was on the floor for a while. I came home from somewhere to find the box torn open, and at least 4-5 bags of the microwave popcorns with the plastic ripped off and the bags in various states of ripped-ness as well. Apparently he consumed quite a lot of the unpopped kernels, resulting in... gastrointestinal distress on his part. I came home to several piles of completely intact popcorn kernels that had gone through Henry and presumably come out the other end. GROSSSSSS!!!! Luckily, I had bought some of the noxious chemical concoction known as Spot Not the other day, so the cleanup was quite successful if not altogether (or at all, actually) pleasant.

Another feat of his Henry nose sensitivity came the other day when I returned home (it's always when I'm gone that he does this...) to find the entire contents of my backpack all over the office space. I thought, now what could Henry want with postcards and notebooks and pens? But then I found the wrapper of a 6-month-old German granola bar that he had apparently found, probably squished flat and misshapen, at the bottom of the backpack. Again, my fault for leaving such enticing goodies around for him, but I had no idea it was in there. With his powerful sniffer, though, he did.

I guess my dog is getting his share of fiber lately.

The least explicable thing he's done actually occurred whilst I was at home. The other morning I heard some noises from downstairs. The continued, and so I realized it was my duty to see what my dog had gotten into now. I walked into the living room to find that my dog had taken a box of ziplock baggies, which I had so carelessly (?!?) placed on a bottom shelf in the kitchen, ripped open the box, destroyed said box, but left all baggies intact, just strewn about the living room. Weird. I can't explain that one. There was no food involved. I think he is just strange.

Even stranger: The other night when I was walking Henry, we passed a small table-sized barbecue grill parked on the sidewalk near the back door to someone's apartment. When we were about 15 feet away from the grill, Henry started growling and growling and wouldn't go near it. We had to make a huge arc around it in the nearby grass so as to avoid the scary, threatening barbecue grill. He was slightly less freaked by it on the way back, but it clearly disturbed him when I went up to it and touched it and *terror stricken Henry face* opened and shut it a few times. He has gotten better about the grill, but he still doesn't like to go too near it.

Feature time!!!

Current state of mind: a bit unmotivated to do the things I need to do today (which mainly involves getting the new bug shield on the truck and washing it - parental units arrive this weekend for a short visit)

Current countdowns:
Days until my girl returns - 5! only 5 more!!! yeh!!!
Days until school - either 3 or 4, depending on if I'm supposed to teach on Monday or not (IU tends to shaft everyone on Labor Day)

Latest movie - Margaret Cho's comedy/one-woman act "I'm the One that I Want"

"After I slept with a woman, I had a crisis. Am I gay? Am I straight? Am I gay? Am I straight? Then I realized - I'm just slutty! ...So where's my parade?"

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