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2002-10-14 11:03 p.m. - Are you jivin' me?
Class this morning was fun. We're doing a chapter on 'Beziehungen' (relationships), and I opened up the topic w/ a little ice-breaker activity involving German pickup lines. I got them off the web and made a worksheet where they had to give the English equivalent, write a few of their own, then try them out on various other students. The whole thing actually took up the whole period, and I think everyone really had a great time at it. I'm going to do a lot with stuff like this, personal ads, love horoscopes, etc. during this chapter. It should be good.

I also had my meeting today w/ Claudia, the new professor and my 33 y/o would-be advisor. I was reading over my prospectus again before I went in and was having some anxiety about how she would feel about it. I found many places where I want to make yet more revisions... but I went in and was braced for lots of criticism and actually got very little. She really liked my proposal and said it could probably go to committee just like it is, but she nevertheless suggested a few changes. There are a couple of minor theoretical kinks of the Foucault/Butler variety, but I think I know how I can handle them, so it's all good. I will be giving her another draft in a couple of weeks. It will probably go to my committee within a month. Finally!

We had lunch together afterwards at Laughing Planet. That place is great. I had my current favorite, the veggie chili. They gave me my customary extra crackers for free. I had a nice time talking non-school stuff w/ Claudia after our meeting. She is really nice and easy to talk to. I think she is even a little shy, but not standoffish in the German way. She really likes Bloomington a lot, and who can blame her? It's brilliant here, and the cool snap we've been having has made it all the nicer. Anyway... C seems to be settling in to life here and in our department nicely.

I took a nap when I got home then woke up and started on the Foucault. He is a lot easier reading than I recall. The 'History of Sexuality' book really explains a lot. Like today I read a passage that enlightened me as to why Christian fundamentalists can get away with recounting very detailed sex-related anecdotes observed in the media in their 'American Family' type journals. Foucault explains it as the pleasure derived from "a spiritual reconversion, of turning back to God, a physical effect of blissful suffering from feeling in one's body the pangs of temptation and the love that resists it." I had always described these media watchdog journals as 'Christian porn,' and now I understand why. Go figure.

Yes, that's right. I am voluntarily reading Foucault. Another sign that I've gotten my brain and my motivation back. Yay!

Today was an intellectually stimulating and rewarding day. May it be one of many :-)

Current state of mind:
pretty optimistic... yeh!

Current countdowns:
Days until the big 3-0:

How I feel about that fact:
pretty good, actually - it's been a mature, grown-up kinda day

Latest notable media experience:
"Shaft" starring Richard Roundtree, soundtrack by Isaac Hayes and the Bar-Kays

Although politically a bit weird, being of the 'Blaxploitation' genre (featuring lots of black power politics but also lots of sexual objectification and black-as-victim kinda stuff), this movie offered much in the way of slang that needs to be revived. I will have to incorporate the word 'jive' into my vocabulary on a regular basis. As in: "Hey, are you jivin' me?" etc. 'Whitey' is also quite good, and I'll have to try to work it in as well. As in: "Whitey's government is sending people to go waste those cats over in Iraq. What kinda jive are they trying to push on us?"

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