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Here's the old stuff! that I have a life
...after I got back from Berlin
...while I was there
...before I left for Berlin

Meet E.G.'s Cast o' Characters

My Girlfriend's Diary!

My Diaryland Trading Card!

My most recent mood:
The current mood of EGBridges recorded at

2002-10-27 10:56 p.m. - Latest Media Experience: "The Ring"
3 Words: Save Your Money.

I went to this as a concession to my loved one thinking it would be okay, even though I don't like scary movies. Like sometimes I get to into them and they freak me out and my nerves get shot to hell. But then, I've seen the 3rd and 4th Alien flicks in the theater, and I survived. _The Gift_ and _The Sixth Sense_ I even liked. So I thought it worth a shot.

The Premise: There is this secret evil video cassette, and if you watch it, someone calls immediately thereafter and tells you you have seven days to live. And sure enough, people start gruesomely croaking. This journalist lady, aunt of one of the croaked, decides to figure out what's up with this alleged video. Sure enough, she finds it, stupidly watches it, her son and boyfriend also watch it, and now she has less than 7 days to figure out what's up and try to save her kid and bf from the results of this evil video.
Without going into the insipid details, let's just say that there are so many holes in this story, so many unexplained details, so many incongruous elements, that it could pass for a giant hunk of Swiss Cheese, holes so big that bad screenwriters could fall through them into the abyss below. This is clearly what already happened to any talent they might've had.

I should add, however, that this movie scared me a lot. But like I said, I don't watch many scary movies, and as some of you may know, my nerves are not the best, so don't take my reaction as representative. This movie sux through and through.

I reiterate: Save your money.

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