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Here's the old stuff! that I have a life
...after I got back from Berlin
...while I was there
...before I left for Berlin

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My most recent mood:
The current mood of EGBridges recorded at

2002-12-04 10:47 p.m. - 20% less h-e-l-l
Ok, so recap. Yesterday I:

- found out I have to teach the same course I'm teaching this semester, with my good friend Kris as the course chair, a position for which I had applied.

- tried to start my car and the battery was dead.

- broke down crying in therapy.

- tried to jumper cable the car.

- bought new longer jumper cables.

- jumped the car for real.

- ate the loathsome (yet at the time tasty) black bean pizza.

- felt everything in my lower abdomen sickly liquify and eject itself in an uncontrolled manner.

- nevertheless went to martial arts. (Hey! It's nearly test time, and I don't want them to think I'm a wuss.)

- had to leave early b/c I was feverish and woozy.

- went home and vomited repeatedly for a few hours.

- was joined by Meghan, who convinced me I should go to the hospital b/c I was in danger of dehydrating.

- was attended by a doctor younger than me. Egad.

- was given an IV and various types of disorienting stomach medicine, so that I felt like I was in the twilight zone for the better part of a couple of hours.

- got home and could not sleep due to more vomiting until about 4:00a.m.

Oh, and get this, when Meghan called Aver's Pizza to report this incident while I was in the bathroom vomiting, the manager on duty offered to give us credit for a free pizza.

Excuse me???

I called the place today and told them, as nicely as possible, how ridiculous I thought this was under the circumstances. The guy understood, and he credited Meghan's credit card w/ the amount immediately. Their insurance company and the county health authorities have been notified.

This could only happen to me.

I'm still feeling weakened and blarfy, but not as bad as earlier today. Meghan also was pretty under the weather today. We now have a problem trusting food we didn't make ourselves, and every time we see a pizza commercial on TV there are comments about E Coli to be made.

2 Comments Click to add yours...

Comments anyone?
Gypsy - 2002-12-05 08:51:54
Auuugh! Feel better, you poor thing! That pizza does sound good, but maybe only in the context of doing everything at home in your own kitchen. Eck. Right, then. Hope tomorrow is at least 75% less hell.
sabrina - 2002-12-08 20:00:02
Oy! I hope you feel better.

Vergangenheit - Zukunft

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